Aperçu des sections



    Welcome to the training on "Qualitative survey methods applied to
    natural resource management".

    Before starting the training, we recommend that you read the following document:

    => “WELCOME TO THE TRAINING” (Learner's Guide)

  • Section 1

    Constructing the problem statement.

    From the commission to the definition of assumptions and variables to be investigated.


    Key words: analysis of the commission, research question, hypotheses, variables.


    Fichiers: 19Forums: 4Sondage: 1
  • Section 2

    Selecting the survey method

    and preparing the semi-structured interview.

    Working from the problem statement and the identified variables, you will prepare a semi-structured interview.


    Key words: sample, data collection, interview guide


    Fichiers: 31
  • Section 3

    Conducting a semi-structured interview.

    How to conduct an interview based on preliminary preparations.


    Key words: interviewer’s attitude, empathy, reflexivity

    Fichiers: 38Forums: 4
  • Section 4

    Processing and interpreting data.

    After completing the interviews, one must process the data produced during each interview and analyze the outputs with the help of a matrix.


    Key words: note taking, interview matrix, analytic framework


    Fichiers: 14
  • Section 5

    Fichiers: 7URL: 1
  • Section 6

    Assessment of the training.

    Give us your opinion on this online training: The file must be downloaded, completed and uploaded in the folder below.

    Note: if you entered the training course without a login, you will not be able to submit an evaluation through the link below. If this is the case, send your evaluation to Nicole Sibelet (sibelet(AT)cirad.fr) and to Maïlys Luye (fad(AT)iamm.fr).


    Fichier: 1